Sunday, August 28, 2022


Help protect children

 As the dad of a 16 year old female high school student I am pleading with everyone to take action and oppose a proposed rule from the Biden Department of Education that will permit boys to shower in girls showers and use the same bathrooms as girls in schools.
 The information below was posted and prepared by National Write Your Congressman to the membership base. I believe this proposed rule is so dangerous to girls, and boys, that it needs to be made public and go viral. Please share and get everyone you know to comment.
  Regardless of what you think of me, my past, or as I have been recently categorized as a "Far-Right Wing Activist" for taking vocal stands on issues such as this, I am pleading with everyone to help stop this insanity. If you believe not wanting my daughter to go into a bathroom in school and find a boy, who thinks he is a girl that day, with his private parts hanging out, makes me a far-right wing activist and not a concerned dad, do nothing and continue to watch society deteriorate further. And what about the boys who grow up believing this is OK, then turns 18, gets caught hanging out in the woman's bathroom in Walmart, gets arrested and sent to prison for 15 years. YES, THAT WILL HAPPEN. This is what we are teaching children is acceptable and it must stop. You have the power to stop it by taking action today.
Your voice does matters. Click the link below and comment, the deadline to comment is September 12, 2022.

Bob Rivernider
Legislative Representative
National Write Your Congressman

NOTICE: Proposed Rules such as this do not get voted on by any representative in Congress or the states. Should a school not follow this rule, if approved by the DOE, they risk losing federal funding.

Protections for LGBTQI+ Students

Published Thursday, August 18, 2022

The U.S. Department of Education is seeking public comment regarding proposed amendments to its Title IX regulations. 

According to the proposal, the amendments seek to ensure full protection under Title IX for students, teachers, and employees from all forms of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment and sexual violence, in federally funded elementary schools, secondary schools, and post secondary institutions.  Comment Now

These proposed regulations aim to advance Title IX’s goal of ensuring that no person experiences sex discrimination in education, that all students receive appropriate support as needed to access equal educational opportunities, and that school procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment and sexual violence, are fair to all involved.  

The Department’s proposed regulations aim to strengthen protections for LGBTQI+ students by clarifying that Title IX’s protections against discrimination based on sex apply to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Opponents argue the proposed rule adds provisions for individuals claiming to be transgender and guts the protections for women and girls that were originally intended by Title IX. They say it means that any K-12 school, college, or university receiving direct or indirect federal funding would have to open its bathrooms, locker rooms, housing accommodations, and any other sex-separated educational program or offering to someone who is biologically of the opposite sex.

Submission of Public Comments:

  • Comments must be received on or before September 12, 2022.
  • Docket ID: ETA-ETA-2021-0006.

Online: The electronic Federal Docket Management System will accept comments prior to midnight eastern standard time at the end of that day. Comment Now

Summary of the Major Provisions of This Regulatory Action

With regard to sex-based harassment (as defined in proposed §?106.2), the proposed regulations would:

  • Define sex-based harassment to include but not be limited to sexual harassment;
  • Provide and clarify, as appropriate, definitions of various terms related to a recipient's obligations to address sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment;
  • Clarify how a recipient is required to take action to end any sex discrimination that has occurred in its education program or activity, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects; and
  • Clarify a recipient's obligations related to the grievance procedures and other necessary steps when it receives a complaint of sex discrimination.

With regard to discrimination against individuals who are pregnant or parenting, the proposed regulations would:

  • Define the term “pregnancy or related conditions” and the term “parental status,” and prohibit discrimination against students and applicants for admission or employment on the basis of current, potential, or past pregnancy or related conditions; and
  • Clarify a recipient's obligations to students and employees who are pregnant or experiencing related conditions.

In addition, the proposed regulations would:

  • Articulate the Department's understanding that sex discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity;
  • Clarify and streamline administrative requirements with respect to designating a Title IX Coordinator, disseminating a nondiscrimination notice, adopting grievance procedures, and recordkeeping;
  • Specify that a recipient must train a range of relevant persons on the recipient's obligations under Title IX;
  • Clarify that, unless otherwise provided by Title IX or the regulations, a recipient must not carry out any otherwise permissible different treatment or separation on the basis of sex in a way that would cause more than de minimis harm, including by adopting a policy or engaging in a practice that prevents a person from participating in an education program or activity consistent with their gender identity; and
  • Clarify a recipient's obligation to address retaliation.
    Proposed Rule

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